Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Money And Banking question Paper


B.A/ 2nd Year(3YDC) First Spell Examination, May 2009
Subject code No& Name:10 COMMERCE GROUP - C
Course Code No& Name: 02 – Money & Banking Theory &Practice
Time:3Hours] [Max Marks:100
[Min Marks:35
[Marks: 4x15= 60]
Instructions to the candidates:

a) Answer any FOUR of the following questions in about 30 lines each.
b) Each question carries 15 marks
1) Explain the role of money in the capitalistic economy.P14


2) What is Barter system ? Explain the inconveniences of Barter system.P2 & 3

3) "Loans Creates Deposits" . Discuss.

4) What is monetary policy ? What are its objectives?
5) Explain the functions of Primary Credit Societies.
6) Explain the liability of a Banker for Wrongful dishonor of cheques of a customer.
7) Explain the liability of the paying Banker on crossed cheque.
8) Discuss the various types of Bills of exchange.

[Marks: 5x8 = 40]
Instructions to the candidates:
a) Answer any Five of the following questions in about 15 lines each.
b) Each question carries 8 marks
9) List out different kinds of Index numbers
10) Explain the difference between commercial banking and central banking.P106
11) Differentiate between Indigenous Banker and Regional Rural Bank.
12) Explain Garnishee Order.
13) Explain the legal Position of a Minor in Opening a bank account.
14) Explain the following :
a) Special Lien b) Recuring Deposit Account.
15) Describe the Cambridge equation of exchange.
16) List out the limitations of credit creation.
17) Explain the functions of State Cooperative Bank
18) Explain the following:
a) Banker's Bank P104  b) Clearing House.

Money and Banking Important Questions

Limitations of credit creation are:
(A)    Cash reserves: All the deposits cannot be used as credit creation some cash may be put as cash reserve which comes in the way of the commercial bank capacity of credit creation.
(B)    Good securities: it enhances bank safety. It can be converted into cash quickly without any loss. Availability of non-availability of such securities decides the capacity of banks credit creation.
(C)    Total Supply of money: Another important limitation to credit creation is the total supply of money in circulation.Money supply is controlled by the central bank. If the total supply of money is increased, credit creation can be increased and viceversa.
(D)   Habits of the people: Liquidity preference is the desire to hold cash. So if the liquidity preference is more the banks create less credit and vice versa.
(E)    Policies of the central bank: cash reserve ratio is determined by the central bank. So if the cash reserve increased, the banks will have less cash in hand and its credit creation capacity is decreased or vice versa.
(F)    Leakages: Due to improper flowing of funds from one bank to other leakage occurs thus harming the process of credit creation.
(G)   State Economy: During depression times traders borrow less and more during boom times. thus state of economy also limits creation.

Explain the main characteristics of cheque?
1.       A cheque is an instrument in writing. it must be written in ink
2.       It must contain an unconditional order. The order is expressed by the word “pay to”.
3.       If the payee did not encash it before the time limit, he should revalidate the cheque.
4.       It is drawn on a specified bank only and not on any person.
5.       The sum of money to be paid must be is an order to pay a specified sum of money on demand.
6.       If the drawer issues a cheque bearing a date before the date of issue it is called ante- dated cheque.
7.       If the drawer issues a cheque bearing a date after the date of issue it is called post- dated cheque.
8.       The banker has to honour the cheque when
·         it is complete in all aspects and drawn properly.
·         The customer has sufficient balance in his account.
·         IF the signature on cheque tallies with specimen signature.
·         The banker has no doubt about the bonafides of the holder.


Entries to the advantage of the customer:
  If the pass book shows larger credit balance then the actual balance due to wrong entries and the customer withdraws it believing to be correct and spends it the banker is not entitled to recover the amount wrongly paid to the customer. But the customer has to prove.
  • That he has no knowledge of the mistakes in the pass book
  • That he altered his position by spending it.
  • The customers’ right here is based on the principles of “Extroppel”.

Exception: if the customer regularly maintains his accounts and the banker sends the passbook in lieu of passbook regularly, if customer unable to prove that he is ignorant of the mistakes because he maintains his account regularly.The principle of Estoppel may not be applicable.
Banker sends confirmation slip to customer showing uto dae balance if customer signs and sends the  slip to the banker , the customer bound by it.

Effect of wrong entries in favour of the banker:

If it is favour to banker the legal position is as follows: The customer is entitling the mistake as soon as he identified. The customer is not expected to examine the passbook regularly. Therefore this right to get the mistake rectified does not lapse even if he returns the pass book without raising objection or remains silent.

But the right to rectification cannot be enforced when:
The customer’s action shows that he treated the entries as a settled account.
The customers negligence is proved.

Draft is nothing but a cheque drawn by one of the branches of a particular bank on the other branch of the same bank. It is a facility to customers as well as public to pay money in the places outside the branch which draws this cheque.

ATM is  nothing but automatic teller machine. This machine gives cash to the customers after inserting ATM cum debit card slot of the machine.
One can use for various reasons such as Pin no, withdrawl, mini statement etc.
Almost all the leading banks install these machines and facilitate withdrawl of money.

Debitcard is nothing but ATM cum debit card. The card, as name suggests, will provide a customer of a bank access of ATM and merchant establishments all over the country as well as world. Provided sufficient balance in ones account in a bank. By using customer can avail withdrawal facility as well as online purchasing facility.

Minors :
·         Below 18 age according to section 3 of Indian Majority act 1975.
·         If guardian is appointed by court they are considered  as minor upto 21.
·         A minor is not competent to contract according to the indian contract act 1872.
·         All agreements entered into by him are void except for those which are necessary for life and for his benefit.
·         A minor is not rebound to repay any money borrowed by him. He is entitled to recover any securities pledged by him.

Opening of Account:
·         Savings account can be opened but not current account.
·         Account can be joint with guardian.
·         Minor should attained the age of 14 years and he should know to read and write English, hindi or any regional language.
·         Banker should Obtain Minor date of birth and recorded in account.
·         Ordinarily cheques should not be collected in the account of the minor.

·         A minor should  not be granted loans or overdraft because legally he is not bound to repay them. even a guarantee by thid arty is invalid.
·         The minor is entitled to recover any securities pledged by him for the loan.therefore, the banker cannot enforce either a secured or unsecured loan.
·         Loans can be given for the necessary of life with proof that it is purely for life only.
·         Minor cannot be a partner in a firm as he is not liable for ay losses or liabilities.banker must be very careful while sanctioning loans.
·         IN case of death of guardian before minor attains major, the amount can be paid to another guardian appointed by the court.
·         In case of death of minor the balance in the account can be taken by the guardian.

In india married women has right to contract. She can posses property in her name.  She can draw cheques, bills etc or endorse them the banker has to take the following precautions:
·         While opening account banker should enquire about her character, economic status, occupation and economic status of the husband. He must also ascertain whether she has right to sell or mortgaged her property.
·         Opening of Joint account with husband will be more beneficial in terms of security.
·         While granting a loan or overdraft the banker should carefully examine the nature of security she can offer because she can offer her own property but not his husband.
·         She can bind her husband assets for loan with consent and authority of the husband and in case of necessaries of life if husband does not provide them.

Objectives of regional rural bank are:
·         To provide alternative sources of credit to the rural poor to free them from the clutches of money lenders.
·         To meet the growing needs of the rural poor and backward sections of the society.
·         To provide employment opportunities and develop entrepreneurship.
·         To combine the business goals of the rural areas with social obligations.

Objectives of Cooperative bank are:
·         These banks was started in the year 1940 to relieve farmers form the clutches of money lenders and provide timely and adequate agricultural credit at low interest rates..
  • ·         They have three-tier system
  • ·         Cooperative credit societies
  • ·         Cooperative central banks
  • ·         State cooperative banks.


B.A/ 2nd Year(3YDC) First Spell Examination, May 2009
Subject code No& Name:10 COMMERCE GROUP - C
Course Code No& Name: 02 – Money & Banking Theory &Practice
Time:3Hours] [Max Marks:100
[Min Marks:35
[Marks: 4x15= 60]
Instructions to the candidates:
a) Answer any FOUR of the following questions in about 30 lines each.
b) Each question carries 15 marks
1) Explain the role of money in the capitalistic economy.P14

2) What is Barter system ? Explain the inconveniences of Barter system.P2 & 3

3) "Loans Creates Deposits" . Discuss.

4) What is monetary policy ? What are its objectives?
5) Explain the functions of Primary Credit Societies.
6) Explain the liability of a Banker for Wrongful dishonor of cheques of a customer.
7) Explain the liability of the paying Banker on crossed cheque.
8) Discuss the various types of Bills of exchange.

[Marks: 5x8 = 40]
Instructions to the candidates:
a) Answer any Five of the following questions in about 15 lines each.
b) Each question carries 8 marks
9) List out different kinds of Index numbers
10) Explain the difference between commercial banking and central banking.P106
11) Differentiate between Indigenous Banker and Regional Rural Bank.
12) Explain Garnishee Order.
13) Explain the legal Position of a Minor in Opening a bank account.
14) Explain the following :
a) Special Lien b) Recuring Deposit Account.
15) Describe the Cambridge equation of exchange.
16) List out the limitations of credit creation.
17) Explain the functions of State Cooperative Bank
18) Explain the following:
a) Banker's Bank P104  b) Clearing House.

Thursday, 20 July 2017

GST Advantages And Disadvantages

The Goods & Service Tax or GST is one of the biggest fiscal reforms in India since Independence. All businesses, small or large, will be impacted by this new indirect tax regime.
GST will be levied on both goods and services and will subsume and replace the current indirect taxes such as excise, VAT, and service tax.

Some of the benefits of GST to the Indian economy are listed below-

benefits of gst

Removing cascading tax effect

An important benefit of the introduction of GST will be the removal of the cascading tax effect. In simple words, “cascading tax effect” means a tax on tax.
Under the current regime, the service tax paid on input services cannot be set off against output VAT. Under GST, the input tax credit can be availed smoothly across the spectrum of goods and services, thus reducing the tax burden on the end user and removing cascading effect.
Let’s take the following example to understand how removing the cascading effect will reduce taxes.

Current scenario

A trader buys office supplies for Rs. 20,000 paying 5% as tax. It charges 15% service tax on services of Rs. 50,000. Currently, he has to pay Rs. 50,000*15% = Rs. 7,500 without getting any deduction of Rs. 1,000 VAT already paid on stationery.
Under GST (assuming GST= 18%)
GST on service of Rs. 50,000 @18%9,000
Less: GST on office supplies (20,000*18%)3,600
Net GST to pay5,400
This will be especially beneficial to industries that involve both goods and services (like restaurant business) and pay both VAT & Service Tax under the current regime.

Higher threshold for registration

TaxThreshold Limits
Excise1.5 crores
VAT5 lakhs in most states
Service Tax10 lakhs
GST20 lakhs (10 lakhs for NE states)
As per the current VAT structure, any business with a turnover of more than Rs. 5 lakh (in most states) is liable to pay VAT (different rates in different states). Similarly, for service tax, service providers with turnover less than Rs. 10 lakhs are exempted.
Under GST this threshold has been increased to Rs. 20 lakhs thus exempting many small traders and service providers.

Composition scheme for small businesses

GST also has an optional scheme of lower taxes for small businesses with turnover between Rs. 20 to 50 lakhs. It is called the composition scheme. This will bring respite from tax burdens to many small businesses.

Simpler online procedure under GST

The entire GST process – starting from registration to filing returns and payment of GST tax – is online. Startups do not have to run around to tax offices to get various registrations under excise, VAT, service tax.

Lesser number of compliances

Also, the current tax regime has excise VAT and service tax, each of which have their own returns and compliances.
TaxReturn filing
Service taxProprietorship/Partnership- Quarterly
Company/LLP- Monthly
VATDifferent for different states
Some states require monthly returns over a threshold limit. Some states like Karnataka require a monthly return
GST will unify all these, thereby reducing the number of returns and the time spent for tax compliances. There are about 11 returns under GST, out of which 4 are basic returns which apply to all taxable persons under GST.

Defined treatment for e-commerce

benefits of gstMany Indian businesses provide goods and services through the internet. Earlier, there were no specific provisions for treatment of the e-commerce sector. Currently, states have variable VAT laws for this sector. For example, online websites (like Flipkart and Amazon) delivering to Uttar Pradesh have to file a VAT declaration and the registration number of the delivery truck. Tax authorities can sometimes seize goods when there is a failure to produce documents.
Again, these e-com brands are treated as facilitators or mediators by states like Kerala, Rajasthan, and West Bengal which do not require them to register for VAT.
All these differential treatments and confusing compliances will be removed under GST. For the first time, GST clearly maps out the provisions applicable to the e-commerce sector and since these will apply all over India, there should be no complication regarding inter-state movement of goods anymore.
Click here for detailed analysis of the impact of GST on e-commerce.

Increased efficiency in logistics

The logistics industry in India had to maintain multiple warehouses across states to avoid the current CST and state entry taxes on inter-state movement. Most of the times, these warehouses were forced to operate below their capacity thus increasing their operating costs.
When GST goes live, these restrictions on inter-state movement of goods will be lessened and the logistics sector might start consolidating warehouses across the country. As an outcome of GST, warehouse operators and e-commerce players have already shown interest in setting up their warehouses at strategic locations such as Nagpur, which is the zero-mile city of India, instead of every other city on their delivery route.
Reduction in unnecessary logistics costs will increase profits for businesses involved in supply of goods through transportation.
Visit here to read more about the impact of GST on logistics.

Regulating the unorganized sector

Certain industries in India like construction and textile are largely unregulated and unorganized. GST has provisions for online compliances and payments, and availing of input credit only when the supplier has accepted the amount, thereby bringing accountability and regulation to these industries.


There is no doubt that GST is aimed at increasing the taxpayer base by bringing SMEs and the unorganized sector under its purview. This will make the Indian market more competitive than before and create a level playing field between large & small enterprises. Further, Indian businesses will be able to better compete with foreign countries such as China, Philippines, and Bangladesh.
However, all will not be smooth sailing. A policy change of such a huge nature is sure to be faced with teething troubles. Experts have also identified some of the disadvantages of GST implementation which could be a cause for worry for some industries.

Disadvantages and Demerits of GST

In our previous article, we discussed the benefits of GST. However, like everything else, all is not smooth sailing for GST and there are some obvious disadvantages of GST for businesses and end consumers which we will discuss in detail here.
disadvantages of GST

Higher Tax Burden for Manufacturing SMEs 

Small businesses in the manufacturing sector will bear most of the brunt of GST implementation. Under the existing excise laws, only manufacturing business with a turnover more than Rs. 1.50 crores have to pay excise duty. However, under GST the turnover limit has been reduced to Rs. 20 lakh thus increasing the tax burden for many manufacturing SMEs.

Increase in Operating Costs

Most small businesses do not employ professionals and prefer to pay taxes and file returns on their own to save costs. For GST though, as it is a completely new tax system, they will require professional assistance. While this will benefit the professionals, the small businesses will have to bear the additional costs of hiring experts.
Also, businesses will need to train their employees in GST compliance increasing their overhead expenses.

Change in Business Software

Most businesses use accounting software or ERPs for filing tax returns which have excise, VAT, and service tax already incorporated in them. The change to GST will require them to change their ERPs, too, leading to increased costs of purchasing new software and training employees.

GST Will be Implemented During the Middle of the Year

The tentative GST implementation date is 1st July 2017. So, for the fiscal yea, 2017-18 business will follow the old tax structure for the first 3 months, and GST for the rest of the time. It is impossible to cross over from one tax structure to the other in just a day, and hence businesses will end up running both tax systems in parallel, resulting in more confusion and compliance issues.

Increase in Taxes will Increase Prices

Currently, some sectors like the textile industry are exempted from taxes or pay low tax. GST has only 4 proposed tax rates of 5%,12%,18%, 28%. Thus, for many sectors the tax burden will increase which in turn will increase the price of the final goods.

Petroleum Products Are Not Part of GST Yet

Petroleum products are being kept outside the scope of GST as of now. States will levy their own taxes on this sector. Tax credit for inputs will therefore not be available to related industries like the plastic industry which are heavily dependent on petroleum products. Petrol and diesel are required to run factory machinery and unavailability of input tax credit on petroleum products will most probably push up the final price of all manufactured goods.  
Recently the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said that GST will apply on petroleum only after all the states, through the GST Council, are agreed on it. So, an inclusion of petrol in GST is expected but there is no deadline on the horizon yet.

Registration in Multiple States

GST requires businesses to register in all the states they are operating in. This will increase the burden of compliances.

Problems Faced by E-commerce

Nowadays, many SMEs operate through their own online shopping websites or through third party websites to sell to different parts of India. Under GST, they will be required to register for all the states. Not only that, they will not be eligible for composition scheme and will be required to pay taxes like any large organisation. E-commerce facilitators are now required to collect TCS under GST which will lead to increased complications and compliances.

Composition Scheme is Not Available for Many Businesses

Composition scheme is available for only businesses selling goods. It is not available to service providers or for online sellers. This sets SMEs at par with largeorganisationss in an unfair move.

No Anti-Inflationary Measures

Every country that follows GST experienced a hike in inflation when they first introduced it. They countered the inflation by keeping tabs on prices and initiating anti-profiteering measures at the retail level to protect consumers from price swindling.
While there have been similar discussions in the GST council, India still does not have concrete anti-inflationary measures to curb the inflation that is an inevitable outcome of GST.


Change is definitely never easy. It is important to take a leaf from global economies that implemented GST and overcame the teething troubles to experience the advantages of having a unified tax system, easy input credits, and reduced compliances.
Once GST is implemented, most of the current challenges of this move will be a story of the past. India will become a single market where goods can move freely and there will lesser compliances to deal with for businesses.

Disadvantages of GST Implementation in India

The Indian parliament gave a unanimous decision on implementation of GST (Goods & Services Tax) in India from the coming financial year FY 17-18. Undoubtedly this move is historic in the history of Indian Economy. The passing of the GST bill is being seen the next big move after the 90s reforms of the Indian Economy. The government’s is already gearing up for timely implementation of the GST by strengthening the IT backbone which shall propel the decision ahead.
But at the same time there are few aspects with contradict the growth story and might be seen as hurdles which will take time to overcome post the implementation of GST. On one hand where a majority of corporate world is rejoicing, there are few who do not belong the happy lot.
  1. When the aviation industry was witnessing the much awaited growth with increasing domestic traffic, the GST implementation might slower the rate at which the industry is expecting growth as flying will become expensive. Service tax on fares currently range between 6% and 9% (depending on the class of travel). With GST, the rate will surpass 15%, if not 18%, effectively doubling the tax rate.
  2. India, on one hand, has the lowest insurance penetration in the world (less than 5% of Indian population & half of the global average) and on the other GST will further make the insurance products dearer. Life, health & motor insurances will begin to cost more from April 2017 as taxes will go up by up to 300 basis points.
  3. IT companies have adopted a strategy of spreading their operations and stationing their majority workforce where the cost of operations in low (e.g. Chennai, Bangalore). The GST may lead to increasing costs of operations at their most cost-effective delivery centers.
  4. The Banking & Financial Sector (including Insurance as stated above) might take a hit as ccurrently the effective tax rate in the sector is 14 per cent, which is levied only on fee component (and not interest) of the transaction. Under GST, effective tax rate on fee-based transactions is expected to increase to 18-20%. With the implementation of GST a moderate increase in the cost of financial services such as loan processing fees, debit/credit card charges, insurance premiums, etc. is expected.
  5. Petroleum products form a majority import value in the Indian ecosystem. However, key petroleum products like crude, natural gas, high-speed diesel and ATF have been kept out of GST. Compliance costs are likely to rise because of dual indirect tax mechanism.
A seemless implementation of GST may boost growth of the overall economy to a level that the above stated pitfalls might be merely seem as part and parcel of the India growth story. E.g. When most of the sectors grow simultaneously, it might increase jobs and disposable income of individuals to an extent that the dearness brought by GST gets offset.
Analysts are already predicting 10% GDP growth for the Indian Economy with GST coming into effect. All eyes will be focussed on Q1 earnings of FY 2017-18 once the GST comes into effect and the companies start disclosing their numbers.


1. What are the category-wise GST slab–rates?
10%Fresh i.e F & V, Milk, Meat, certain categories of groceries, Flours
25%Common use items i.e edible oils, tea, sugar [registered branded flours, cereals]
312% & 18%Cheese, Butter, Biscuits, Soaps, hair Oil, Tooth paste, Tooth powder, etc.,
428%Items like Cosmetics., Shampoos, Detergents, Luggage Sports Goods, appliances & white goods
528%+CessLuxury & carbonated drinks

2. How do I register for GST?Existing businesses under any tax can be migrated immediately but new registrations can only happen once the law comes into effect. Effective appointed day is July 1, 2017 as per GST Registration Rules.
3. What all documents do I need for fresh registrationApplication for Registration in Form GST REG 01 supported by details as required in the application mentioned below:
  • Legal Name of the Business
  • PAN [PAN of the business, PAN of Individual in case of Proprietorship concern]
  • Email Address
  • Mobile Number
  • Constitution of business – to select from the application
  • E-digital signature
  • Other information as per application.
Documents needed for migration:
  • Pan-Card
  • Address proof of the premises
  • E-Digital signature
  • E-mail + Mobile number
4. How do I share my GST no. at METRO? Physical / digital medium?Please share the GST number physically or by mail with self-declaration stating “I confirm that the attached GSTN migration documents belong to my business only.” Migration document is necessary – just number will not be accepted
5. What benefits do I get if I share my GST no. with METRO Wholesale?By sharing the GST no. with us, you become entitled for Input Tax Credit against all purchases from METRO for your business as per GST laws.
6. How do I avail GST benefits?With every purchase at any METRO Wholesale store, you automatically receive input tax credit into your account via GST portal which means you can set off tax against your tax payable.
7. Can somebody else submit my GST no.?No. You need to submit your GST documents directly yourself.
8. Will input tax credit flow automatically?Yes. It will flow automatically through the GSTN portal.
9. Will METRO share details of all my purchases automatically?Yes. All those customers who have shared their GST details with us can view their purchases in the GSTN portal.
10. How do I know you are passing every information to authorities about my GST purchase?It is mandatory to upload the information in the GSTN portal on periodical basis by every GSTN holder. So METRO will be uploading the same regularly.
11. I am an add-on card holder. How do I get input tax credit?METRO will upload all the sales linked to a GST number in the GSTN portal including add-on cards purchases – all credit can only be claimed by the business license holder.
12. I have been given 5 add-on cards. What will happen to their purchases in GST Input tax credit?METRO will upload all the sales in the GSTN portal including add-on related cards purchases against the GST no. shared with us.
13. At what frequency do I get to claim this tax credit?As per GST Return provisions.
14. From when will I be eligible to claim GST input tax credit?From July 1, 2017 as per provisions of GST laws.
15. Somebody has fraudulently given my GST number to METRO. How did you get it? I want to remove it please.METRO accepts migration documents from you only to update the GST number. If you anyway want to remove it kindly advise with a letter and we will remove the GST no. from your registration.
16. How do I change my GST number in your records?As per METRO registration process along with requisite documents. Submit the migration documents to update the GST no.
17. Is it mandatory to register for GST? What happens if we continue status quo?If you become a GSTN holder then you become entitled for input tax credit as per GST laws for your business.


1. How do I register for GST?
  • METRO has dedicated GST help desks in all our stores to help you with GST queries and information
  • Fresh registrations and migrations can also be done by going to
2. What all documents do I need to get a GST number?
GST registrations can be done by visiting
  • Fresh Registration : Form GST REG 01 supported by details as required
    • Legal Name of the Business
    • PAN [ PAN of the business, PAN of Individual in case of Proprietorship concern]
    • Email Address
    • Mobile Number
    • Constitution of business – to select from the application
    • Digital signature
    • Other information as per application
  • Existing Business for Migration
    • Pan-Card
    • Address proof of the premises
    • Digital signature
    • E-mail + Mobile number
3. How do I share my GST no. at METRO?
  • Submit GST certificate in physical form / E-mail with self-declaration
  • Migration documents mentioned above are necessary as proof for updating of GST no. at METRO
4. How do I avail the GST benefit?
  • All your purchases from METRO will entitle you for Input Tax Credit through the GST Portal
  • The input tax credit will be set off against your tax payable
  • You can claim this every month – ITC of purchases in this month can be claimed next month
5. Is it mandatory to register for GST? What happens if we don’t register for GST?
  • To avail input tax credit, GST number is required
  • If GST registration is not done, input tax credit cannot be claimed
6. I have been given 5 add-on cards. How will input tax credit on their purchases be calculated as per GST law?
  • All purchases from add-on cards will get added to your GST no. and will give you input tax credit
7. I am an add-on card holder. How do I get input tax credit?
  • If you have a business and wish to avail ITC, then register your business at METRO and get a separate METRO account
8. Is pucca bill mandatory to claim input tax credit after implementation of GST?
  • When the GST law comes in to effect, kaccha bill cannot be used to avail input tax credit
  • METRO gives you a pucca bill (tax invoice) which can be used to easily avail input tax credit
9. Will my bandhan bonus get impacted by GST?
  • There will be no change. Bandhan bonus will be given as per regular METRO calculation process
10. If there are any discrepancies in the GST input tax credit, who do I approach for a resolution?
  • Respective Checkout / Main Cash of METRO Store
11. What happens if I don't share my GST number?
  • METRO helps you claim input tax credit on all your purchases from METRO
  • Our invoice acts as a tax invoice and thus you can enjoy such benefits
  • You will not receive input Tax credit for your purchases at METRO if you don’t share your GST no.
12. Can I have same GST number across multiple cards - is there any problem with this?
  • If you have multiple cards, the same GST number can be given for all cards
  • Each METRO account will be mapped to only one GST Number
  • All purchases (including add-on cards) will get uploaded against the same GST number
13. In terms of GST readiness, what do we need to do?
  • Migrate to / register for GST & provide GST no. to your supplier
  • Prepare Item wise stock & upload the information in the GST portal
  • Identify HSN codes for all items / commodities & modify your Point Of Sale
  • POS to be changed as per GST invoice format requirements

Commerce Group A May 2022 Paper